Grameenphone 25 Paisa/Minute to Any GP Number ( FNF , Super FNF Also)
(FNF,Super FNF soho Sokol Gp Number use kora jabe)
(FNF,Super FNF soho Sokol Gp Number use kora jabe)
Offer 1: 40MIN Usable 12AM - 4PM 1Day 10Tk Dial *111*29#
Balance Check *566*20#
Offer 2: 300MIN Usable 24Hour 7Days 75Tk Dial *111*300#
Offer 1 Details : 25 Paisa Per Minute Offer
Offer 2 Details : 25 Paisa Per Minute Offer
Balance Check *566*20#
Offer 2: 300MIN Usable 24Hour 7Days 75Tk Dial *111*300#
Balance Check *566*22# Deactivate Dial *111*301#
Offer 1 Details : 25 Paisa Per Minute Offer
40MIN Usable 12AM - 4PM 1Day 10Tk Dial *111*29# Balance Check *566*20#
- ŸThis offer is valid for djuice, Smile, Apon, Bondhu, Shohoj, Spondon, Amontron, Nishchinto, Ekota-1, Ekota-2, Ekota-3, Ekota-4, Business Solutions Prepaid 1,2,3,5, Shofol, GPPP and VP subscribers
- To avail the offer dial *111*29#
- The offer is valid between 12am and 4pm every day for calls to any GP number (Super FnF and FnF included).
- Customer will get 40min @BDT 10 (VAT applicabe)
- 10 second pulse is applicable for this offer
- Subscribers will be notified after the offer activation through a confirmation SMS
- To know existing balance dial *566*20#
- Customers can opt-in multiple times in a day
- After the completion of the campaigns minutes, regular tariff will be charged as per respective price plan
- Once the offer has been availed, My Zone discount will not be applicable. However, once the offer minutes end, the discount will be re-activated
- ŸTo avail the offer, subscribers will need to have a balance of 11.50 Tk. (including VAT)
- Ÿ5% Supplementary Duty (SD) +15 % VAT on price inclusive of SD will be applicable
3 Komentar
Assalamoliku,today 75 tk load korle 300 minit pabo
Balas75 taka diya 300 minit pabo ki
Balas75 taka diya 300 minit pabo ki