Everyday Bonus Offer
Grameenphone Everyday Bonus after Target Usage!Use 1Tk to get 1Tk Bonus!
Dial *999*1# for free to register
Initially, for free registration to this offer, dial *999*1#. The subscriber needs to register only once during the validity period of the ongoing campaign
This offer is for all Grameenphone prepaid users ( excluding Internet SIM, Flexiload Connection, Village Phone and PCO users)
Upon registration subscriber will immediately receive free 5 MB data, 5 SMS and 5 MMS
To subscribe for the offer after registration, the customer needs to firstly fulfill the everyday target. After fulfilling the target, with evert 1 Tk. voice call the customer will receive 100% GP-GP bonus talk time.
Voice call refers to calls made through any local operators ( for example, GP-GP, GP-Other local operator, GP-Land phone/GP-NWD). International voice call, IVR call (for example: 121, 4000) Pay-For-Me, Voice SMS, Voice E-Mail, MY ZONE, during other ongoing campaigns/ receiving bonus from a currently ongoing campaign/Benefits or calls for receiving bundle benefits is not applicable
To know the daily target the user has to check the SMSes from GP offer
After registering once during the ongoing offer and after fulfilling the daily target, customer can then enjoy the bonus received
The bonus Taka received from the offer is only applicable for GP-GP callers ( FnF, Super FnF and Community Tariff is not applicable) and the bonus period is until the day the bonus period ends ( as in until 11:59 PM)
At this point, any customer enjoying talk time ( from the same bonus account) from any other campaign, their bonus period will also end at 11:59 PM.
Customer can receive a maximum bonus amount of 5 taka.
To know the bonus amount received, dial *566*8#
To know the current usage, dial 857786# (free)
This offer is valid for users who have activated their networks on 15th June, 2015 and who have been using from before
This offer is applicable for local voicecalls from1:00 AM to 11:59 PM everyday
If an ‘Amontron’ subscriber registers to the Instant bonus offer along with his/her ‘Amontron’ Start-Up offer and registers to this offer then the ‘Amontron’ Instant Bonus offer will no longer be applicable
Calls which start today and end tomorrow are not applicable for this offer (For instance, if any such call starts at 11:59 PM and ends at 12:01 AM)
Bonus will not be valid for call charges made from the main balance after the bonus amount has been spent.
To unregister from the offer, dial *999*4# (effective within 72 hours)
After unregistering from the offer, customer cannot reregister again
On Fridays and Saturdays, get 100 GP-GP SMS free immediately upon fulfilling the daily targets. These SMS will be valid till the end of the day the bonus has been received (till 11:59 PM of the same day)
To know the balance and validity of bonus SMS, dial *566*2# (free)
To know the Internet balance and validity, dial *566*14# (free)
3% Subsidiary taxes valid on all charges. 15% VAT valid on total charges, inclusive of the Subsidiary tax.
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