Robi Amazing Offers in the Ghechang Store Dial *999#
Double Bonus Offer
Now you can enjoy the same amount of On-net Minutes, SMS and Internet as Bonus with the recharge of Tk. 28 and Tk. 58.
Talk time Bonus for Recharge
- Recharge BDT 58 and get instant Recharge Bonus: 58 Mins (Robi-Robi), 58 SMS (any) and 58 MB Internet.
- Recharge BDT 28 get instant Recharge Bonus: 28 Mins (Robi-Robi), 28 SMS (any) and 28 MB Internet.
- Bonus Validity: BDT 58 for 3 days and BDT 28 for 2 days.
Double Bonus Offer
Now you can enjoy the same amount of On-net Minutes, SMS and Internet as Bonus with the recharge of Tk. 28 and Tk. 58.
Talk time Bonus for Recharge
- Recharge BDT 58 and get instant Recharge Bonus: 58 Mins (Robi-Robi), 58 SMS (any) and 58 MB Internet.
- Recharge BDT 28 get instant Recharge Bonus: 28 Mins (Robi-Robi), 28 SMS (any) and 28 MB Internet.
- Bonus Validity: BDT 58 for 3 days and BDT 28 for 2 days.
- At every 5 min of Usage in Peak Hour (6 pm to 12 am) get 5 MB and 5 SMS bonus (usage time 12 am to 12 pm).
- The usage data bonus is applicable whoever recharges Tk. 28/58, only.
VAS Bundle in Attractive Price
- USSD activation code: *8155*8*1# in 72 hours to activate
- Charge: BDT 5
- The special bundle is applicable whoever recharges Tk. 28/58, only.
General Conditions
- While availing 31 Tk. Or Tk. 39/79 Recharge Offer, subscribers cannot enjoy 28/58Tk. Recharge offer, and Vise -Versa. Either offer’s validity needs to be expired to enjoy the other one.
- All Robi Prepaid Customers shall avail this special double bonus offer (excluding Winback {Jan’14 and Jul’14, Jan’15 and Apr’15}, Acquisition {January 2015 and April 2015}, Easyload and Uddokta).
- Only Rechargers of Tk. 28/58 will avail this above recharge and usage bonus.
- Recharge Bonus Minutes and Internet can be used from 12:00 am to 4:00 pm.
- Customer will get Internet bonus upon using voice (during 6 PM - 12 AM) within 3 calendar days from the day of recharging. After 3 days they have to recharge again to avail the offer.
- Customers shall receive an instant SMS notification on availing the recharge bonus and internet bonus on usage.
- Using minutes to FnF shall not be accumulated for Usage Bonus (internet and sms).
- To know On-net Minute Bonus usage free dial: *222*2#
- To know SMS Bonus usage free dial: *222*12#
- To know Internet Bonus usage free dial: *8444*88#
- Bonus Min cannot be used for FnF and/or Priyo numbers
- Customer can recharge both the denominations multiple times in the same day.
- If the customers have any previous bonus talk-time/bundle minutes while availing this offer, then those will be consumed first.
- Other service rates (like SMS, MMS, Data, etc.) will remain unchanged (as per the existing service class).
- This offer will be valid until further notice.
For more details: FAQ

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